Topic: Creating Content
How to Create a Quiz with Calculated Results and Conditional Confirmation
Learn to create a quiz that calculates results and provides conditional confirmations. Start with basic form setup, including name and email fields, and add checkbox inputs for quiz questions. Set calculation values for responses, publish results on a webpage, and redirect users based on their answers.
The Difference Between a Landing Page and A Default Page
This tutorial explains the difference between default pages and landing pages and demonstrates how to easily toggle between the two on your Oh My Hi site.
How to Create a Payment Page
In this tutorial learn how to create a payments page by linking various payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, Stripe, Venmo, and more, to ensure a seamless and professional visitor checkout experience.
How to Create a Quiz
Learn how to create an engaging quiz on your Oh My Hi site. This tutorial walks you through naming the form, adding essential fields like name and email, customizing dropdown menus, and designing buttons.
How to Make a Link or Button Open a default SMS or Email App
This tutorial teaches how to enhance your webpage by adding interactive buttons that open default SMS and email apps.
How to Unpublish a Page or Post
This tutorial explains how to unpublish a page or post on your website.
How to Create GIF and Add it to Your Oh My Hi Site
Learn to create GIFs using Canva and upload them to your site. This can be used to create sliders.